Services and Pricing

Structural/Developmental Editing

A structural edit involves an initial evaluation of your manuscript to determine clarity in the organization, language, and tone of the story, as well as checking for inconsistencies in plot, flow, and characterization. This also includes basic fact checking where needed. A report is provided offering comments and suggestions for outstanding developmental and technical issues.

Email to enquire.

Copy Editing+

For manuscripts in rougher shape, or perhaps those that need a little more TLC, the Copy Edit+ corrects grammar, spelling, punctuation, and other mechanics of style; checks for consistency of mechanics, internal consistency of facts, and outstanding issues with plot and timeline. Includes suggestions or minor rewrites to improve clarity of expression, and a one-page summary of developmental and technical issues, if required.

This level of editing is best for authors who have had their manuscripts critiqued or developmentally edited but may need a little extra guidance. A second copy edit is often recommended if major revisions are needed.

* Copy Editing+ rate will be charged for heavy copy edits (including those that require full tense changes).

$0.018 per word (two passes included)

Copy Editing

Editing for grammar, spelling, punctuation, and other mechanics of style; checking for consistency of mechanics, internal consistency of facts, and outstanding issues with plot and timeline. Includes suggestions to improve clarity of expression.

$0.012 per word
Note: An additional $100 will be charged for corrections in excess of 1K per 50K words.


This is usually the final read-through of your edited manuscript. Includes checking for style, grammar, punctuation, spelling, and word usage. It is assumed by this point your manuscript has already been edited, and errors should be minimal.

$0.008 per word
Note: Excessive corrections will be charged at the copy editing rate.

Final Eyes Pass

Your book has been edited and proofread, but you want to make extra sure it’s clean before publishing. Intended to be the last set of eyes to get those pesky errors that are still holding on for dear life after multiple rounds.

$0.005 per word

Terms and conditions:
1. Please contact in advance for availability and current turnaround times.
2. A complimentary sample edit of one chapter or ten pages can be provided.
3. All changes and suggestions will be noted using Tracked Changes and comments in Microsoft Word. Manuscripts are edited using the Chicago Manual of Style and Merriam-Webster Collegiate and Unabridged (Oxford for UK and Canadian English and Macquarie Dictionary for Australian) as references, unless otherwise directed.
4. An initial quote based on approximate word count will be provided upon request. Invoice based on actual word count provided upon submission of completed manuscript. Fifty (50) percent of project cost will be payable upon submission of manuscript. Any changes to manuscript prior to arranged schedule will be accepted; final invoice will be adjusted in reflection of any changes to word count or scope in services. Please refer to terms in contract for any changes to manuscript once editing has commenced. Final invoice to be paid in full before edited manuscript is returned. All prices quoted in US Dollars.

“Rush” jobs are subject to an additional 25% fee, minimum $50.